Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Nature Goddess!

What a wonderful surprise! A female Promethea Moth. On one of those warm summer nights, this gorgeous female Promethea Moth flew to the light at my backdoor. I saw the shadow from inside and raced out to see what Saturniidae moth it could have been. She flew right onto my shoulder. I imagined she must have finished mating and would find a host plant to lay her eggs. The next day I looked under the Lilac, Sassafras, Apple, and Peach tree leaves to see if I could find her eggs. No luck. I will have to wait for winter to look for a cocoon. The story continues though. On my birthday, which was a few days later, I woke up and went outside and there she was listless and lethargic , tattered and ragged. It appeared her life was over and she had fulfilled her duties of laying her eggs. She died a few hours later. I saved her to show the small children I teach. A lovely gift of nature for my birthday. I will treasure her.
If you want to know more about Promethea Moths click on the suggested link.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fairy Houses

Can you see that little fairy sleeping on her canopy bed? Oops...she must have flown away. Click on photo twice and get a close look. If you would like to learn more about people like me building fairy houses go to the link

Fairy Furniture

An arbor to the fairy garden.

An arbor and swing in the fairy garden.

A lovely chair for a fairy.

A fine place for biscuits and tea for the fairies.

A soft and cozy bed for a fairy!

I made this furniture about 15 years ago for my college roommate. It inspired her to create many more pieces. I hope it inspires you too!
Click on each picture and enlarge the photo to get a better look.